Monday, July 18, 2011

Beyond Method # 12

Over already!!!?  I felt like we just met Beyond Two Steppin'!  I guess Utnapishtim was right, all things must pass.

I really enjoyed jumping into this program feet first and getting wet with the 2.0 goodness. My favorite activity was number 8.  The computer screen capture sites were so easy to use and my mind is abuzz with how to integrate video tutorials on our website and catalog!

I don't feel like I've experienced any seismic change of my library outlook or goals, but i did enjoy brushing up on some 2.0 tools I was aware of but hadn't used very much. However, I do think some of the hoopla about how 2.0 and later 3.0 will connect everyone and thing and the cloud and on and on is a bit premature and far-fetched.  However to that however, I will try my hardest to always keep a positive eye on technology and work to integrate it into my job and stay aware of it to best help patrons.  After all, I am a librarian and that's a key component of my ethics!

I definitely feel like I would participate in this program again.  I feel like I learned some new skills and have some new tools in my belt.

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