Monday, July 18, 2011

Beyond Method #11

I like surveys!  I am a fiend for data collection.  Currently at out library we are doing usability studies on our current website and catalog and that of libraries with websites we like and may emulate. I've done web surveys for class work, but not professionally.  My library doesn't do surveys often because they have had a low response versus time spent ratio.  I'd love to give it another go and do some online surveys on our website and Facebook page to see ways we could improve.

I don't see a use for Polleverywhere and it's ilk for us, because we don't do anything with texting currently.  I'd like to see that change too, but it's been a giant hurdle for us.  Our city is hesitant to enter into that realm for fear of privacy issues and I don't completely blame them.

I made an online survey of my very own.  Please click through to see it in all it's unfettered glory!

How Awesome Am I?

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