Monday, July 18, 2011

Beyond Method # 10

I have definitely done the digital conference.  I have participated in virtual chats in online classes using Blackboard both as a student and a guest speaker.  It allows for sharing a PPT or other online presentation, voice, or just good old text. 

I've also taken webinars through work many times.  I've found them quite hit or miss, because often one person is speaking and Q & A is only through text.  I tend to feel like I'm listening to a podcast rather than participating in a back and forth. 

We are using Skype at our library to have a Author speak to us for a program in October. I'm really looking forward to it, because I've seen loads of booktalks online but never been in person on the other side of one.  I think these tools are very good for bridging distance that would be insurmountable with the current economic climate.

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