Monday, July 18, 2011

Beyond Method # 12

Over already!!!?  I felt like we just met Beyond Two Steppin'!  I guess Utnapishtim was right, all things must pass.

I really enjoyed jumping into this program feet first and getting wet with the 2.0 goodness. My favorite activity was number 8.  The computer screen capture sites were so easy to use and my mind is abuzz with how to integrate video tutorials on our website and catalog!

I don't feel like I've experienced any seismic change of my library outlook or goals, but i did enjoy brushing up on some 2.0 tools I was aware of but hadn't used very much. However, I do think some of the hoopla about how 2.0 and later 3.0 will connect everyone and thing and the cloud and on and on is a bit premature and far-fetched.  However to that however, I will try my hardest to always keep a positive eye on technology and work to integrate it into my job and stay aware of it to best help patrons.  After all, I am a librarian and that's a key component of my ethics!

I definitely feel like I would participate in this program again.  I feel like I learned some new skills and have some new tools in my belt.

Beyond Method #11

I like surveys!  I am a fiend for data collection.  Currently at out library we are doing usability studies on our current website and catalog and that of libraries with websites we like and may emulate. I've done web surveys for class work, but not professionally.  My library doesn't do surveys often because they have had a low response versus time spent ratio.  I'd love to give it another go and do some online surveys on our website and Facebook page to see ways we could improve.

I don't see a use for Polleverywhere and it's ilk for us, because we don't do anything with texting currently.  I'd like to see that change too, but it's been a giant hurdle for us.  Our city is hesitant to enter into that realm for fear of privacy issues and I don't completely blame them.

I made an online survey of my very own.  Please click through to see it in all it's unfettered glory!

How Awesome Am I?

Beyond Method # 10

I have definitely done the digital conference.  I have participated in virtual chats in online classes using Blackboard both as a student and a guest speaker.  It allows for sharing a PPT or other online presentation, voice, or just good old text. 

I've also taken webinars through work many times.  I've found them quite hit or miss, because often one person is speaking and Q & A is only through text.  I tend to feel like I'm listening to a podcast rather than participating in a back and forth. 

We are using Skype at our library to have a Author speak to us for a program in October. I'm really looking forward to it, because I've seen loads of booktalks online but never been in person on the other side of one.  I think these tools are very good for bridging distance that would be insurmountable with the current economic climate.

Beyond Method # 9

I used smilebox to make a digital scrapbook.  I used this technique because I still don't have a mic and I HATE MY VOICE!!!!

I found it easy to use and customize but I wanted to be able to do more personalization than the templates allow.  Still, for a free resource, it is easy to hop into and make a digital scrapbook.  My story is about my latest Teen Program, our Modern art day.

Click to play this Smilebox scrapbook
Create your own scrapbook - Powered by Smilebox
This free scrapbooking design personalized with Smilebox

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Beyond Method # 8

This stuff is awesome!!!  Why aren't I already using it!?  It would be excellent in conjunction with the online presentation tools or just standalone to help users understand our webpage and catalog!  It makes every step of showing steps easy and intuitive. 

I didn't save my presentation because I don't have  amicrophone, so I was 'practicing' the dialogue for the video.  it would still work for a video I used during a live presentation, instead of being forced to be stuck at a pc.

I used Screencast-o-matic for my tutorial.  I used it to show how to:
Find our catalog
Do a title, subject, and author search
See if a book is available
Find the Call Number

all these steps were as easy as slowly mousing over each step, typing slowly, and pointing to the appropriate links and slowly pointing to them.  The end result was a soundless step-by-step guide to the basics of our catalog.

I hope to mic up and get started making actual tutorials for our website soon!


Beyond Method # 7

I chose to use sliderocket and wooowee is it F A N C Y!  It was also pretty darned intuitive.  I really enjoyed playing around with it using the fake presentation.  I have used Google Docs and played with their online rpesentation tool, so i skipped on reviewing it.  I wasn't crazy about it and I'm not super sold on Google Docs either.  Sadly, my brain is trained on Office software.  Free stuff always annoys me when i'm trying to do seriosu work.  I do know how to use it and know how to show patrons where to find free office software.

I don't know when I'd use online presentations, but I want to keep an open mind.  We may find a place for it on our library page and make reader's advisory tools that are presentations instead of just lists.  Or we could use it to advertise for an upcoming program or to answer common queries.  Honestly, most of the ones i looked at in this module are primarily PPT online, which isn't very next gen to me.  But PPT isn't bad just poorly utilized. 

Beyond Method # 6

I may be starting to sound like a Luddite, but I've yet to join the ebook revolution.  I do like having a physical book in my hands.  Also, I a late adopter to most technologies, as I usually deem them non-essential and want them cheap cheap cheap.  That being said, i see their value and understand their popularity.  our library currently uses Overdrive for downloading books.  I won't detail what i think about their specific service, because I want to be professional.

I will say I see the publishing industry making a lot of the same mistakes as the music industry did with downloadable music.  Loads of DRM and not letting people use what they buy as freely as they'd like.

So I grabbed Gulliver's Travels by Swift on Gutenberg.  It was easy to find and super easy to spot the kindle edition (it was the one that said kindle!)  I do think patrons may like gutenberg's public domain books, but i don't think they will like the site.  Amazon is easier to use and flashier and has less options and clicks between you and your download.  But free always costs something, so extra time and effort may be worth it for people looking for classics.  I know I can use Gutenberg and help patrons use Gutenberg.  Hopefully they'll want to!